Horizontal & Vertical

Horizontal Platform
What do we mean by “Horizontal Platform”?
Everybody who runs a business needs to manage certain basic information about the people and organizations they deal with and the projects that they manage. The Prime or Base Module of TeamsOffice is built as a horizontal platform. All other modules are vertical industry applications that use and/or manipulate the data in the Prime Module.
The TeamsOffice Prime Module comprises:
People, Organizations, Addresses, Comms
Events, Tasks, Notes and Register
Documents, Bundles, Download links
SSL, Cloudflare, Record-level access control for individuals and groups, Transaction audit.
Professional Accounting
Double Entry
TO Accounting doesn’t insult you by trying to hide the fact that accounting is a double-entry system. It makes double-entry transparent, logical and easy to manage by showing you with each move you make whether your transaction is balanced or not.
Slice & Dice
No hierarchies in TO Accounting! All relationships are relational. Create as many filters as you want for detailed reports on who is performing and who is not.
Note: The reporting module is not fully operational yet and a discount is available until it is.
Foreign Currency
TO Accounting has the world’s simplest, most intuitive foreign currency ever. All transactions are recorded both in the transaction currency and in your company’s base currency. Whenever you do a foreign-currency transaction, it shows you the difference between the 2 calculations for you to enter immediately into the Exchange Difference account and make it balance.
TO Accounting is fully integrated with the Base Module. Vouchers are stored together with their related Transactions but Counterparties in Accounting are directly linked to the Person or Organization they represent giving instant access to all their information: addresses, documents, projects, taks. You name it. All controlled by TeamsOffice’s unique record level security.
Company Secretarial
- Create Capital
- Allot, Transfer, Redeem Shares, Bonds, Warrants,Membership Interests etc.
- Appoint and Remove Directors and Officers
- Maintain Registers
Note: Full reporting module is not yet available. Discount available till it is completed.
- The right to enter data in the Company Secretarial Module is restricted to Cosec Role-Members
- But the results of the entries are reflected in the Person and Org records in the Prime Module
- According to the access rights of the individual user
Time Costing
- Each Staff relates to one User and one Person in the Prime Module
- Staff can manage time on an infinite number of Projects
- Default Cost and Charge Rates can be varied for individual Projects
- Single click to set end tome to “Now”
Coming soon: Automatic invoicing of time
- The beginnings of the Staff/HR module
- Only HR Role-Members can manage staff data
- But Users see and manage their personal time and attendance
- Staff records connect directly to the Person in the Prime Module for instant access to all their personal information
Office & Acrobat Integration
- Work directly on the server with a single click to upload and download your work to the database
- Keep your information safe from Google!
Internal Comms
- Messaging, Chat and video-conferencing all inside the server
- VPN access
- Leave no traces on servers scattered around the globe
Other Modules
- Litigation
- Investment
- Membership
- Affiliate tracking