Introducing TeamsOffice
The World’s Most Comprehensive Office Management Platform
Manage Your Business Effectively
Information Available at your Fingertips
And to your Team on a Need-to-Know Basis
All your corporate data available for all who have authority to see and hidden from all without authority
People and Organizations, their Addresses and their Relationships + their Projects, Resources and Concepts in addition to all their comms details at work and at home. With separate rights over their confidential personal details.
Store documents securely, accessed by unique UUID. Link the docs to the related Persons, Orgs and more. Link Docs together to create content threads. Send secure bundles of download links..
Events, Tasks and Notes – with supporting “Agenda” items, alert triggers and completion check boxes for step by step management of tasks, meetings and todo items.
Company Secretarial
TeamsOffice has a full corporate service module where the company secretary team manages the creation, allotment and transfers of shares and the Members’ , Directors’ and Charges Registers. Cosec has separate access rights for creating records and reflects the results back into the Person and Company records for other users to see.
Professional Accounting
TeamsOffice Accounting is specially designed for the professional office. It is multi-user, multi-company, multi-currency and fully integrated into the other modules allowing direct access to Counterparties’ addresses, assets, resources and more, .Plus the world’s easiest to use foreign currency manager.
Time Costing
Make sure you are not losing track of your valuable time. TeamsOffice time costing helps you to make sure you collect the revenue you earn. TeamsOffice Time Costing allows keeping time, cost and charge for multile Users for multiple companies covering projects for multiple different clients.
Document Capacity
Versions per Document
Take Security Seriously
We Certainly Do
Record Level Security
In TeamsOffice, every record is stored only once. No duplicates, no confusion. Setting who is allowed to view, edit and/or delete the records is simply a matter of checking a few boxes (or leaving the default). User rights can be set by role or by individual User. Whoever doesn’t have the right doesn’t have access. Simple!

Document Names
Documents in TeamsOffice are displayed to the User with Doc numbers and sort descriptive titles but what is stored in the database is a very long name of random letters and numbers that bear no relation to what the user sees. So, if a hacker wants to find the source of a document he believes is in TeamsOffice, knowing its number will give him no help at all in finding it.
Document Bundles
When you send an email, it leaves traces of your precious information on email servers scattered around the world for hackers and others to scavenge. With TeamsOffice, you can automatically send a bundle of links to download documents directly from the data store – preferably using a VPN. The document travels directly from the server to your personal computer leaving no traces. And the links expire at the time you set, leaving no trail for hackers to follow.

Ease of Use is Just as Important
The logical structure of TeamsOffice lets you understand intuitively where to look for the information you want.
The dynamic multi-dimensional linking lets you click from data to data without needing to make a new search
Store Once Access Randomly (SOAR)
Most document management systems manage access by storing copies of documents in different folders for different groups that have different access rights. the, when one group updates their copy and another group updates theirs, you get multiple copies and nobody knows which is final.
TeamsOffice stores each document and data item in only one place and everyone who has access views the same thing and knows that everyone else sees the same thing.
Goodbye to confusion!
Find, Link, Jump
TeamsOffice Core Module allows multi-dimensional linking between .all your bits of information. Click on a Person and click to see his companies, her documents, their addresses, comms information, tasks, events, notes, relationships with other people. Whatever, it is a single click away.
No more searching around in different categories of data or returning to Main Menu to follow a logic trail to what you are looking for.
Simply Find, Link, Jump!
Stop wasting time and money.
Turbo-charge your Team